Friday, November 11, 2011

Back on Track

It has been quite a while since we posted anything to the blog so there is a lot to cover.  In the previous blog about the Smokey Mountain Waterfalls I mentioned that we found a very nice RV park to stay at while we hiked to the various falls.  The name of the park was River Vista RV Resort, located in Dillard, GA and is surrounded by mountains.  As we were preparing to leave we struck up a conversation with a couple that were workkamping there.  They mentioned that the managers were looking for someone to take their place around the first of October.  After a short visit with the manager he hired us on the spot.  We had to leave and return to Charlotte to have some warranty work done on the RV before the warranty ran out, but made a commitment to come back on October 5th and stay until just before Christmas.

Of course has everyone has come to realize, nothing is ever simple for us.  There were no problems with the RV warranty work but Sherree began to have some discomfort around one of her teeth that had a root canal done before we left Dallas.  She thought she would just wait until we returned to Dallas after Christmas and have it looked at then.  Her woman's intuition must have kicked in, because she decided to have it looked at just in case.  Fortunately for her, at least as far as the diagnosis, it turned out she had a major infection below the gum line.  The unfortunate part was she needed dental surgery to clean out the infection and fill the tooth from the root up.  We did make one smart decision when we retired.  We decided to Cobra our dental and boy did it help.  We found a very nice dentist that referred us to a wonderful surgeon.  When he heard that we were living in our motor home and needed to be in Dillard on October 5th, he worked Sherree into his schedule the very next day and even opened up his office on a Saturday to remove the stitches.  She had swollen and sore gums for about three weeks but in the end it was all worth it.

So we are now workkamping at River Vista RV Resort.  The park has six small cabins, 2 one bed rooms and four 2 bed rooms, along with 144 RV sites.  We do light housekeeping for the cabins and help around the park when needed or requested.  For 15 hours each a week we get a free slot with full hookups, free cable TV, free laundry, and free propane.  If we go over 15 hours we get a small salary.  On average we are working about 20 hours each a week and the rest of the time we are exploring the mountains and surrounding country side, meeting the locals, visiting parks and small towns in the area and learning a little about the history for the area.  Our friends from Atlanta, Nita and Paul Crowder, have been up for a visit as well as our daughter Tonya and the four grandchildren.  We took time to enjoy the beautiful Fall colors and visit more waterfalls.  The following slide shows should provide sum up our time here better that any words I use and in a much quicker time.

There will not be a lot going on from now on until Christmas when we will be getting together with our daughters' families and grandchildren.  We are getting anxious to see our daughter Wendy and her family.  We have been missing little Jake.  Can hardly wait.

Enjoy the videos.  I had some difficulty getting them to load but finally was successful.  However if you want to see them in full scree, click on view on YouTube.  Let me know what you think.

Fall Colors and Waterfalls

Smokey Mountain Grand Kids