Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tragedy on the Interstate

Back on the road again, heading for Atlanta to visit our good friends, Nita and Paul Crowder, with a short stop over in Gaffney at the Freightliner service center as discussed in the last post.  After a night in Gaffney we headed out for Atlanta.  After a short period we started seeing highway signs warning of an accident at mile marker 22.  Sure enough at about mile marker 30, traffic came to a stop.  From that point on it was creep time.  We were getting frustrated and complaining about the delay until we came upon the accident.  It was terrible.  It involved two 18 wheelers and 2 other vehicles.  Needless to say there were multiple fatalities.  We took the following pictures, and now when the traffic slows or comes to a stop we think about this accident and traffic becomes a minor annoyance.  We give thanks for all our blessing and our chance to travel as we do.  After viewing the photos below, we feel sure whoever reads this will feel the same.

Approaching mile marker 22.  Traffic as far as the eye can see.
First thing we saw was the tractor of an 18 wheeler with the top shorn off.
Second  was this scene.  The tractor of the second 18 wheeler had gone over the edge.  A black pickup was stuck in the side and underneath the trailer was a gray SUV.  From the tracks (just to the left in the picture) it appears that someone crossed over the median.

After passing the accident scene we could see all the approaching traffic stopped for miles.
We discovered later from the news that there were 4 fatalities.  We said prayers for everyone that evening.

Next a more pleasant post.

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